Thank you - The Best Prayer Anyone Could Say

“'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.”

-Alice Walker

This month marks a year since we publicly announced the launch of Portraits That Move, and what an incredible one it has been.

Who could have predicted that, when the inspiration hit me – in the middle of the night, no less – how deeply meaningful this work would be for me and how much passion it would inspire in me on a daily basis.  It has been completely amazing in all senses of the word.


So, in celebration of our first year, and in consideration of the quote above from Ms. Walker, it’s my turn to offer up my sincere gratitude for the Portraits That Move adventure so far.

First, I am so grateful to the kids who have let us videotape them. It is not always easy to have someone asking questions and a camera there- but all of the kids were incredible. They were present and joyful, they were honest, and they had fun. I laughed and learned at every single shoot.

girl drawing year of joy

Second, thank you to the parents who have become our clients - for trusting me with your children and for believing in the importance of documenting our lives. It has been with tremendous joy that we have done this work. Thank you for allowing us to do it and for spreading the word to friends and family, and for supporting us in all the ways that you have.

As well, thank you to the whole Portraits That Move team – the best team ever. Every one of you is special and crazy talented, and brilliant, and energetic and generous. I am grateful for all of you. The teamwork makes the journey even sweeter.  

family documentaries

Of course, without the backing of my friends and family, I would have given up 11 months ago.  Your support has been limitless and there are not enough words to tell all of you how much it means to me.  Thank you!

And finally, I am most grateful to my son. To be his mom every day - to see the world through his eyes and his voice - it is truly the greatest gift of my life.

city kids striped sweater brick wall

Thank you all for your words of kindness, for joining us on social media, and for being a part of our community.   Stay connected for special offers, new announcements and sneak previews: join our community mailing list today.

With much love,
